在大陆堪称仅次于“腾讯、网易”的游戏开发商 miHoYo迎来十周年(2021),就在近日宣布将业务扩展到加拿大蒙特利尔(此处是游戏产业的人才诞生地之一)并成立团队,规划在未来两年内打造一支由超过100多名员工组成的工作室,包括游戏设计、艺术、工程、项目管理和职能角色等,专注于一款全新的IP,AAA大作;另外值得一提的是miHoYo目前已在上海、洛杉矶、新加坡、东京和首尔拥有超过3500名员工。
“This year marks miHoYo’s tenth anniversary. Since our inception, guided by the mission of Tech Otakus Save the World, we have invested continuously in animation rendering, artificial intelligence, and cross-platform development technology to bolster our research and development capabilities. We are committed to publishing our games globally across console, PC and mobile platforms, owing to our thriving in-house distribution capabilities. We have gained a plethora of game development and operations experience as a result of Genshin Impact’s recent global release, which we can harness to create even higher-quality games to our players,” stated Forrest Liu, co-founder of miHoYo. “Montréal is home to a thriving game development community and is well-known for its world-class universities. We deeply value the expertise and creativity that the local ecosystem provides and believe it will empower miHoYo to create games with their imagination.”